Fine Gardening & Landscaping Services
What We Offer
Terrascapes Fine Gardening offers a variety of seasonal fine gardening and landscaping service intervals. Our trained horticultural staff will maintain your existing garden, restore or renovate an old garden, or refresh a tired landscape with proper shrub and perennial care along with seasonal flowers and container displays.
Terrascapes will also monitor your property for disease and pest problems as well as recommend and provide organic treatments. Our staff has extensive horticultural education and experience and many are pesticide licensed professionals that will make a difference in diagnosing and remedying challenges in your garden.
Our philosophy towards plants and gardens is holistic and ecological. Long range planning and proper horticultural techniques, combined with safe organic materials and pest control ensure a healthy, long lasting garden or landscape.
Terrascapes Fine Gardening Team

What We Offer
Terrascapes Fine Gardening offers a variety of seasonal fine gardening and landscaping service intervals. Our trained horticultural staff will maintain your existing garden, restore or renovate an old garden, or refresh a tired landscape with proper shrub and perennial care along with seasonal flowers and container displays.
Terrascapes will also monitor your property for disease and pest problems as well as recommend and provide organic treatments. Our staff has extensive horticultural education and experience and many are pesticide licensed professionals that will make a difference in diagnosing and remedying challenges in your garden.
Our philosophy towards plants and gardens is holistic and ecological. Long range planning and proper horticultural techniques, combined with safe organic materials and pest control ensure a healthy, long lasting garden or landscape.

Terrascapes Fine Gardening Team
Fine Gardening & Landscaping Services

Garden Maintenance Site Visit & Planning
During your free site visit, we will determine your garden maintenance needs for trees, shrubs, perennial plants and ground covers. Our landscaping and garden services include shrub pruning for size, structural integrity, restoration, and beauty; weeding and deadheading; seasonal cut backs and spring and fall bed clean-up (see below for specifics). Weeds and leaves will be hand removed from the beds. Weed control using recommended organic methods will be used when possible. Pathways will be blown and cleared of debris at the finish of completed work on day of service. (Terrascapes services are performed by hand or with electric tools. We do not use gas powered equipment.)

Garden Maintenance Site Visit & Planning
During your free site visit, we will determine your garden maintenance needs for trees, shrubs, perennial plants and ground covers. Our landscaping and garden services include shrub pruning for size, structural integrity, restoration, and beauty; weeding and deadheading; seasonal cut backs and spring and fall bed clean-up (see below for specifics). Weeds and leaves will be hand removed from the beds. Weed control using recommended organic methods will be used when possible. Pathways will be blown and cleared of debris at the finish of completed work on day of service. (Terrascapes services are performed by hand or with electric tools. We do not use gas powered equipment.)

Garden Restoration
We can help restore a garden which has suffered from negligent care and poor garden practices. This may include excess mulch removal, pruning & thinning for overgrowth, and other techniques to renew an existing garden that just needs some TLC.

Garden Restoration
We can help restore a garden which has suffered from negligent care and poor garden practices. This may include excess mulch removal, pruning & thinning for overgrowth, and other techniques to renew an existing garden that just needs some TLC.

Perennial & Seasonal Annuals Care
Terrascapes’ Perennial Plant Care includes pruning, deadheading, and cutting back of your existing perennials, ground covers and vines. We are also able to recommend designs and plant lists if you choose to either replace or add to the perennials in your garden or landscape.
Perennials are an important part of any landscape, and we have the expertise to ensure they remain healthy and beautiful.
Terrascapes will also plant annuals in coordination with client desires and tastes.

Perennial & Seasonal Annuals Care
Terrascapes’ Perennial Plant Care includes pruning, deadheading, and cutting back of your existing perennials, ground covers and vines. We are also able to recommend designs and plant lists if you choose to either replace or add to the perennials in your garden or landscape.
Perennials are an important part of any landscape, and we have the expertise to ensure they remain healthy and beautiful.
Terrascapes will also plant annuals in coordination with client desires and tastes.

Organic Rose Care
We also offer Organic Rose Care (beyond seasonal pruning). All roses will follow an organic rose care program which requires pruning to commence when the forsythia bloom. The program includes April composting, May fertilization & horticultural oil spray, and consistent watering. Climbing roses will need to be sprayed for black spot, rust, aphids, and spider mites. If horticultural oils do not work, we will NOT use chemicals due to the Bee Hive Collapse Disorder which has caused our pollinators to decrease in huge numbers over the past 3 years. An early effort to PREVENT rose disease and promote rose health will be employed.

Organic Rose Care
We also offer Organic Rose Care (beyond seasonal pruning). All roses will follow an organic rose care program which requires pruning to commence when the forsythia bloom. The program includes April composting, May fertilization & horticultural oil spray, and consistent watering. Climbing roses will need to be sprayed for black spot, rust, aphids, and spider mites. If horticultural oils do not work, we will NOT use chemicals due to the Bee Hive Collapse Disorder which has caused our pollinators to decrease in huge numbers over the past 3 years. An early effort to PREVENT rose disease and promote rose health will be employed.

Shrub Care
Shrub Care includes the structural and aesthetic pruning critical for plant health. Terrascapes employs structural pruning techniques to eliminate weak, unhealthy and improper branching growth and to improve the visual appearance of the plant. Aesthetic pruning is used to eliminate crossing branches, open up dense growth, and shape for desired form and height, as well as to correct many other visual issues.

Shrub Care
Shrub Care includes the structural and aesthetic pruning critical for plant health. Terrascapes employs structural pruning techniques to eliminate weak, unhealthy and improper branching growth and to improve the visual appearance of the plant. Aesthetic pruning is used to eliminate crossing branches, open up dense growth, and shape for desired form and height, as well as to correct many other visual issues.

Spring & Fall Clean-Ups
Spring Clean-up (April – May) includes pruning of all shrubs and perennials, spring divisions and removal of any winterizing mulch, detritus & debris. Services also include soil cultivation and fertilizer application.
Fall Clean-up & Winterizing (October – December) Any special pruning and dividing. Final clean-up and detritus & debris removal. Winter mulch for roses.

Spring & Fall Clean-Ups
Spring Clean-up (April – May) includes pruning of all shrubs and perennials, spring divisions and removal of any winterizing mulch, detritus & debris. Services also include soil cultivation and fertilizer application.
Fall Clean-up & Winterizing (October – December) Any special pruning and dividing. Final clean-up and detritus & debris removal. Winter mulch for roses.

Patio • Deck • Balcony Container Planting & Care
Terrascapes container program includes basic planting and renewal of container plants by season. We install containers in spring, summer, and fall. Plantings are made using client containers, or if requested, we will purchase containers for project. Container plants need lots of water in the spring and summer, so we suggest using drip irrigation systems to keep them looking beautiful. Terrascapes can plan for drip irrigation systems to be installed, if needed.

Patio • Deck • Balcony Container Planting & Care
Terrascapes container program includes basic planting and renewal of container plants by season. We install containers in spring, summer, and fall. Plantings are made using client containers, or if requested, we will purchase containers for project. Container plants need lots of water in the spring and summer, so we suggest using drip irrigation systems to keep them looking beautiful. Terrascapes can plan for drip irrigation systems to be installed, if needed.

Small Garden Installation
Perennial bed design and installation is available as needed.
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