Elements of Design
Space is a precious commodity, limited or expansive, it makes sense to enjoy every inch or acre you have. Using outside space, a window ledge, deck, courtyard or field is a pleasant way of extending the boundaries of your home.
For many, the word “garden” conjures up images of grass and flower borders, soil, mulches, and tedious yard work. When presented with open space, we all too often cram in all the traditional elements of a garden without identifying lifestyle, home style, or maintenance requirements. All sorts of design elements and techniques can be combined to produce an appealing effect; planting, water, sculpture, lighting, and more.
The key to realizing the potential of your garden or landscape, in both visual and practical terms, is design – this entails thinking about and treating your space in a way that suits your life, as well as the character of your home and its surroundings. We’ve devised this list of elements that we have successfully used in our designs that assist us in creating a space that is inviting, welcoming and reflects the style of living of its residents.