Patios & Courtyards

Patios and courtyards are expressions of your lifestyle. Decide how the space will be used to determine its size. Enclosures may influence and restrict the shape, however, paving designs, with their rhythmic repetitive patterns, can serve a more important function such as directing your guests or visually dividing space. Dynamic and swirling paving patterns may blend spaces together and convey an artistic sense.

We consider all the surfacing materials at our disposal (natural, man-made, hard or soft,) and how they affect the surrounding garden. To hydrate deep root systems, you may want water permeable paving so stately nearby trees won’t be starved of water and nutrition. If the legs of your furniture can penetrate a surface, make sure you pick a durable solid paving and not an unstable material like gravel. Make sure your choices will withstand your lifestyle usage and weather conditions. These are decisions a Terrascapes designer can help you make.


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